I had a surprising opportunity this past week. Friday morning as I was standing at a bus stop, a man was smoking pot, and asked me when the bus was supposed to arrive. So I responded politely but quickly. He then asked where I’m from, and then the next question that everyone asks: “what are you doing here?” I told him that I’m a voluntary worker for the Church of England, to which he asked for me to pray for him. I said “sure, what can I pray for?” I knew what I was getting myself into, but I was a bit glad to have someone ask for me to pray for them, because I’ve never had that opportunity in this area. To make what then became a long story short, I prayed for him and his requests. It was just a surprising opportunity, which is why I write about it.
There was one irregular event which I was able to attend. It was with the sunday school group I’ve been working with these past few months. We went bowling, which turned out to be a great time. I will post pictures of the event when I acquire them, which should be in the next few days.
There are some pictures that come from a different event, though. I usually post a blog on sunday or monday, but have delayed until today because I wanted to include last night’s event. It was at the Manchester Cathedral, and was a evangelical rally for “Hope 2008.” This “Hope” initiative is an effort to organize all the churches in a specific area (Manchester, in this case) to work on outreach projects and events together. For instance, last night the event’s leader went to one vicar and asked him what’s happened thus far in 2008 in his immediate area. This vicar had a flyer from 2007 that read “the churches in Eccles (or wherever he was from) present…” The same vicar then held a “Hope” flyer that read “The church in Eccles…” That’s the sort of thing that was discussed last night, which was encouraging for me to hear. For whatever reason, the pictures are not displaying in this blog, but are located in the “browse my photos” section.