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Thoughts & Inspiration

In the past, my school’s bible study has handed out a red carnation (that’s a flower, for all of you clueless males out there) to every girl in our school on valentines day. This past february 13th we decided to cancel the outreach due to the “slizzard.” I decided to reschedule the distribution to easter. Our last day before easter break was today, so needless to say, we bought 800 pink carnations and all whoping five of us attached a card to each. I think it went well- a lot of girls seemed very appreciative. We decided to attach a card this year because in the past, girls were given a flower and didnt know who was giving it to them. The card we attached read “you are loved. from the bible study- friday mornings at 7:00…”

I’ve been thinking about that phrase. There are a lot of phrases that we could have used, but the more i think about it, the more i’ve come to realize how meaningful that must be to some people receiving the flowers. We live in this society that is largely based on science. Science says that we’re some evolved beings from more or less a coincidence. if you take that “fact” to its logical end, you will arive at the realization that you’re nothing: you’re meaningless, your worthless, there is no purpose in life, who knows why you’re here, you’re alone, etc. Now there are bound to be some girls with awful home lives who have “boyfriends” who are only interested in what benefits they can accrue from these girls. Put that empty philosophy together with being used, and i can only begin to imagine the pain. Consider, then, what it must be like to have a complete stranger give you a beautiful flower for apparantley no reason, with a card attached which reads “you are loved.” I sincerely pray that the Holy Spirit will work in some of the recepients, so they may come to know and feel the love of Jesus Christ. sDg